FirstBlood-#314 — Reflective XSS via ref parameter on register.php
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v2
On 2021-10-25, panya Level 7
The ref
parameter is still vulnerable to XSS on register.php page.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open this URL:
- Click on the "Return to previous page" link.
Actual result:
There will be an alert with the text: ""
Expected result:
The ref
parameter value should be properly escaped or sanitized. The alert should not be shown.
XSS on behalf on a user of this site.
P3 Medium
Endpoint: /register.php
Parameter: ref
Payload: ja%0avascri%0apt:alert(origin)
FirstBlood ID: 32
Vulnerability Type: Reflective XSS
The parameter ?ref on register.php was poorly fixed and can be bypassed in various ways. Firstly the developer failed to use strtolower() when comparing strings, and the use of characters such as
will also bypass the filter.