FirstBlood-#712 — Vaccination-management login panel can be bypassed using sql injection in password paramerter for username=admin.
This issue was discovered on FirstBlood v2
On 2021-10-27, vishal Level 2 reported:
Discription: vaccination-management login panel can be bypassed using sql injection in password paramerter for username=admin.
Steps to Reproduce:
visit /vaccination-manager/login.php (login.php is not listed anywhere in source code of web page it was just tried)

Now Give username =admin and Password = ' or ''=' ( user and password I got using diff technique like : first i tried blank(usrname&password), sql on both field but it didn't worked. So i prefer to provide diffrent diffrent common username. I noticed for userneme admin name diffrent error message appear.
So I was almost certain that admin is valid user but yet password need to entered . Again I tried diff diff common password but It didn't work as well . One more time I tried SQL injection with username admin and IT worked. )

All done you will be Welcomed on login panel as admin.

Impact: As it can be seen admin can access vaccination proff , ip address of user & email id It's private information of user's which is very sensitive . All this information will be in hand of attacker in no time if it's not fixed soon.
Lastly if unwillingly i just missed something
Just let me know - Vishal
Endpoint: /vaccination-manager/login.php
Parameter: password
Payload: ' or ''='
FirstBlood ID: 30
Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection
There is an SQL injection on the vaccination management portal login page which results in the user being able to login as the administrator.